Exuma, Bahamas isn’t a third world country but before going on any trip it’s important to protect yourself medically. Here are a few tips on how to medically prepare for visiting Exuma and any other medical information you may need to know.
Medical Facilities
It’s important to know that there isn’t a hospital on Exuma. However, there are clinics available for small medical emergencies. If there were a serious medical emergency an individual would have to taken to Nassau for treatment. Getting medical treatment in a foreign country can be expensive so it’s important to take all steps to prepare yourself before going.
Vaccinations and Shots
Most medical professionals suggest individuals get certain vaccinations and shots before visiting foreign countries. A yellow fever vaccine is necessary if you are traveling from Trinidad or certain Latin American or African countries.
Doctors also recommend certain vaccines. If you are planning on exploring Exuma (which we hope you do!), a rabies vaccine is suggested as bats and other animals can carry the disease. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, and Typhoid vaccines are also recommended to protect against contaminated food, water, and objects.
It’s important to be up to date on routine vaccinations as well. Make sure you are up to date on measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, chickenpox, polio, and flue shots. There will help protect you from any diseases you may encounter in the country.
If you take any prescription medication make sure you have enough for your entire trip. It will be very difficult to fill any prescriptions if you run out once you reach the island. Inhalers, Epipens, insulin supplies, syringes, and needles may need a doctor’s letter to be allowed through customs.
You should also bring over the counter medication for the trip for things such as diarrhea, pain/fever, motion sickness and other common ailments. Insect repellant, bandages, hand sanitizer, aloe gel, and sunscreen should also be on your packing trip. These items can be found in Exuma but may be pricey or difficult to come by, as stores aren’t stocked as frequently.
Medical Documents
For certain medication and supplies, for example, needles or prescription medication, a legal doctors note might be required. Copies of medical insurance or conditions should be brought on your trip. It’s also smart to have paper copies of other important documents like passports. The Bahamian government may require proof of certain vaccination such as yellow fever.
Before traveling to any country it’s a smart idea to research hospitals and medical clinics. If you’re staying at a hotel or resort they probably have a first aid center. While serious injuries aren’t likely, people often focus on those the most. The sun is probably the most dangerous thing in Exuma. Make sure you wear proper clothing, sunscreen, and that you stay cool and hydrated.