UPDATE APRIL 13, 2017 – Source: www.fyrecay.com
The Fyre Festival is working to provide you with the most updated and relevant information about this trans-formative event including answers to all your questions.
The Fyre Festival has said it will get the attendees additional information about the festival including:
1) Images (Photographs) of the Festival Site, All Housing, Tent Village Progress, Coco Plum Beach Images, and will take down any images online that do not reflect the actual site. They will post them within 48 hours
2) They will be posting a list of all the extra items for purchase including the cost of each item to you once you arrive at the festival.
3) A phone number with a live attendant to answer any questions you may have about the festival.
4) The ability for you to cancel your package/ticket with a full refund if the festival information is not acceptable to you as the event has changed.
You can expect this information by Midnight, Saturday April 15th, 2017.
In the meantime, email or call either of us for more information. We promise to be honest and candid.
Billy McFarland: Billy@fyreapp.com
Grant Margolin:Grant@fyrapp.com
For more updates about Fyre Festival, visit Fyre Cay or the official Fyre Festival website